montag campus bonn

Living. Life. Creating.



Your way. Your style.
Your place.

Living at the MO is different. Enjoy a large room of your own with an en-suite in a stylishly designed shared flat.  Naturally with state-of-the-art technical facilities for daily life and study life. And look forward to enjoying much more: open the door and step straight into the park, enjoy the view of the Rhine and meet lots of new people.


With others. Inspired. Chilled.

On the MO Campus you’ll live in an architecturally appealing environment in one of two houses, M or O. The houses are located in an awesome park directly on the Rhine. Perfect for chilling, reading, studying or meeting other students. You’ll also find the villas housing the Montag foundations on the campus, where you can choose to get involved if you want.

MO Campus


Interpersonal relationships make life special.
ntag Stiftung: Freedom, responsibility and community spirit

The Montag Stiftungen are a group of independent, charitable foundations. Following a policy of “action and design with social responsibility”, the foundations are active in the fields of pedagogical architecture, equal opportunity urban development, participation in the arts, education in the digital transformation, concepts for the future, and inclusive all-day education. The foundation group comprises the Montag Stiftung Jugend und Gesellschaft, Montag Stiftung Urbane Räume, Montag Stiftung Kunst und Gesellschaft, Montag Stiftung Denkwerkstatt and the Carl Richard Montag Förderstiftung.


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in sozialer Verantwortung

Does the mix
of living, socialising and personal involvement at the MO appeal to you?



A place with
SO MUCH more.

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